New Mood on Monday

Not written one of these for a while, mostly since the idea of this series is that I try to post uplifting, positive songs to kick off the working week, and I’ve not felt particularly positive or uplifted for a while now (don’t fret, I’m fine).

But on the drag into London and the office the other day – the time when inspiration strikes me the most – my iTunes tossed this at me, and I immediately perked up, much to the annoyance of all the people who had gotten on to the train at the last stop and had decided not to disturb the sleeping man by sitting next to him.

Not a song I cared for at all at the time, it seemed to be promoted on the basis of who the participants’ parents were (“So it must be great!”) rather than what the song itself was like.

I do have a vague memory of dancing to this at Hel & Neil’s wedding party, but I may be imagining that. I was, very very drunk.

Here you go, chin up, let’s get through Monday, shall we?:

Wilson Phillips – Hold On

Hold on. It’s nearly Tuesday. And then it’s nearly Wednesday. And then the weekend’s in sight and you can be you again.

More soon.