Sunday Morning Coming Down

In these uncertain times here in the UK – new Prime Minister in Liz Truss, new monarch in King Charles Spaniel III – I was mightily relieved when my trusty iPod shuffled this into my ears as I travelled back from the office the other day, as, despite it being about neither of those things, it did seem to strike a note of positivity which I’m not sure I subscribe to right now:

Victoria Bailey – The Beginning

More soon.

Sunday Morning Coming Down

Something new(ish) this morning, from Victoria Bailey.

This is what her own website says about her debut album, Jesus, Red Wine & Patsy Cline: “…a whiskey-smooth concoction of crisp guitars, silky fiddle, and radiant pedal steel that expertly glides beneath Bailey’s magnetic, California sun-kissed soprano. Bailey’s full-length label debut – a nine-song collection featuring eight originals and one cover [Johnny Cash’s Tennessee] – paints stunning vignettes spanning from adrenaline-rushing love at first sight and down-and-out heartache, to treasuring country music’s indelible roots, and the wavering journey of resilience when chasing one’s dreams.”

With an album title which namechecks Cline, and which contains a (pretty good) Cash cover, you can guess her influences and where she’s aiming for. To my mind, she sounds a lot like Arkansas Traveller-era Michelle Shocked and that’s a good thing (at least I think so, and when I last posted something from said Shocked album it seemed to get a good reaction).

Have a listen for yourself:

One to keep an eye on, I think.

More soon.