Late Night Stargazing

So, what have I been up to this last couple of weeks, I hear somebody disinterestedly mumble.

Well, eating. A lot. Sleeping. A lot, but rarely at night. The other day I timed my lunch break so I could watch the first half of one the Euro football matches the BBC are currently showing. I woke up on the sofa about four hours after the match had finished, which was also the approximate time that had elapsed since I should have started back to work in the afternoon.

Watching a lot of TV, and I’ll probably do some recommendations at some point.

One thing I did watch was the second series of Tin Star; the first series had been shown on Channel 4 a couple of years ago, but can’t have been a big hit as they didn’t pick up the rights for the second series, which aired on Sky Atlantic and is available on NOW TV, which I’ve recently got.

The first series of Tin Star is about an English cop relocated to Canada, where his son is murdered and he sets out to get revenge on the bad guys, who were actually after him, but he can’t remember why. I loved it, mostly because said cop was played by Tim Roth, who I would happily watch pretend to have a particularly difficult poo if I could. Only if it’s essential to the plot, of course.

I thoroughly enjoyed series two, which picks up right where the first left off, and without giving too many spoilers away, let’s just say some chickens come home to roost.

One thing I love about binge-watching box sets is that you become immersed in the sights and sounds, including the soundtrack, and it was whilst watching Tin Star that tonight’s song came on. I’d never heard it or its singer before, but a quick Shazam provided me with the details to allow me to go track it down.

Here you go, this is pretty great:

Jackson C Frank – Blues Run the Game

More soon.