Ba Ba Ba Ba-Ba Ba Ba Ba

I’ve posted this before, way back in 2016, so I’m pretty sure you’ve all forgotten about it by now.

The first time I heard this was on Now That’s What I Call Summer, a double album I picked up purely so I would have some summer songs to put on the mix-tapes I used to compile for play in the sixth form common room.

Little did I know that over thirty years later, this would still be one of my favourite summer tunes ever:

Barracudas – Summer Fun!

Just gloriously dumb and care-free.

More soon.

That Summer Feeling #24

I’m writing this in advance of the weekend, so forgive me if it’s absolutely wazzing it down, it seems this hot spell is due to continue for a while longer at least (cue: snow), so here’s a song I mentioned in a previous post, and one that I first heard via that “Now That’s What I Call Summer” album I purchased back in the mid-80s.

This almost made into my recent Summer Friday Night post, just so I could do it half-way through and pretend it was an actual ad-break going on at the start. Cos I’m THAT funny:


Barracudas – Summer Fun

More soon.