The Chain – The Rules

The Chain is a feature on BBC 6Music’s Radcliffe and Maconie show (and prior to that, their show on BBC Radio 2), where a record is played and they invite suggestions as to what record could be played next, which must link in some way to the one just played.

We do things a little differently round here, for whilst they choose just one record to play, we try to post all of the suggestions which you submit.

The only rules are:

1) Suggestions can be sent by way of the Comments section or, you prefer, by email at:

2) When making your suggestion, you must provide an explanation of the link between the two songs

3) You must already own a copy of your suggestion, and be willing to provide it (in case I don’t already own it or am unable to source it).

4) Suggestions must be more than just naming a different song by the same artist. You’re cleverer than that.

5) You can make as many suggestions as you like, but please, go easy on me, won’t you?

6) Don’t be offended by some gentle ribbing. Nothing I write is intended to cause offence.

7) Submissions will be welcome up until the next edition is posted. But please try not to send them to me at the last minute, in the unlikely event that I’m actually writing it and have to rejig the running order.

8) The same artist can feature twice in the same week, but only if suggested by different people.

9) If you suggest two songs by the same act, I’ll ask you to just pick one of them; if you don’t reply, I’ll pick for one for you.

10) There is no Number 10.