Somebody to Love

I’m going to assume that you watched the George Michael documentary that aired on Channel 4 this week with this post.

If you did, I’m sure that, like me, you found it very moving and inspirational.

After it finished, I found myself listening to his Greatest Hits album until the wee small hours, whilst uploading his entire back catalogue onto my iPod.

However, whilst it was mentioned, and a clip featured, and although the doc gives it some (very sad) context, time should have been made to include all of this incredible, flawless, force of nature rehearsal (which I’ve posted before, and which I’m not going to apologise for repeating myself now):

George Michael & Queen – Somebody to Love (Rehearsal 1992)

A reminder: that was him rehearsing.


More soon.

Reissue! Repackage! Repackage!

“Re-issue! Re-package! Re-package!
Re-evaluate the songs
Double-pack with a photograph
Extra track (and a tacky badge)”

Part of me wants to disapprove of the latest reissued, remastered version of The Smiths’ The Queen is Dead.

But I really can’t.

Listening to the 3 discs (1: the album remastered, 2: demos and “previously unheard” material, 3: Live in Boston, much better than “Rank”) is like falling in love with the band all over again.

I think they missed a trick by leaving the brass – yes, the brass – off of the final version of “Never Had Nobody Ever” though:


The Smiths – Never Had No One Ever (Demo)

Ordinarily, I’d not endorse something like this, but, frankly (Mr Shankly) this is a must own for fans.

Go get.

More soon.