
This place will be closed for a while.

My Dad passed away yesterday.

I need some time to grieve, to recalibrate, to do what we need to do as a family, and eventually to compose some words to honour him.

More soon, sometime


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15 thoughts on “Interlude”

  1. So sorry to hear this Jez – and sending love and condolences your way. We’ve heard some great stories about your Dad here and we’re honoured; it’s has been lovely to read about him in the past and you’ll do him proud in the future, whenever you’re ready. You take care x

  2. Oh my Jez, so sorry to hear this news. Many condolences to you and your family. We who visit this place all feel as if we knew your dad. He will be missed.

  3. Very very sad news. Sending love and condolences.

    Look after yourself…..and please……only come back here as and when you’re really ready.

  4. Hello, I’m so sorry to hear your sad news.

    Everything pales into significance at a time like this doesn’t it? Take all the time you need to get to where you need to be and you’ll know when the time is right to get back in the saddle.

    Thank you for your blogging efforts!

  5. So sorry to read this Jez. I know you have many treasured memories – some shared here before – so hold on to those. Condolences to you and the rest of your family, and look after yourselves.

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