Sunday Morning Coming Down (All Other Music is Temporarily Suspended edition)

Morning all. As with last night’s Late Night Stargazing edition, video clip only til I get home when I’ll add an mp3 link for y’all.

I posted the original of this on The Day The Music Died, so I shan’t bang on too much about how great it is.

Here’s The Be Good Tanyas shuffling take on”When Doves Cry”. S’nice enough, I suppose. Again, posted more to illustrate the diversity of the musical acts that His Purpleness touched (metaphorically) than anything else. Oh, and the video isn’t really a video, if you know what I mean.

And now, here’s the mp3 link:

The Be Good Tanyas – When Doves Cry

More soon.

Late Night Stargazing (All Other Music is Temporarily Suspended edition)

It’s my Dad’s birthday this weekend, so I’m away at my folks for the weekend, which means no access to my library of tunes.

I’d planned to prepare all of the weekend’s posts before I left, but Windows decided it wanted to rob me of a couple of hours of my Friday night doing an upgrade (and could I spot the difference after it’d finished? What do you reckon..?) and so consequently I didn’t get everything done before I set off. So you’ll forgive me for posting a video clips for the next couple of posts. I’ll add mp3 links when I get home.

So, having focussed on others covering Prince recently, here’s Prince covering someone. Radiohead, specifically. I don’t usually like to post live stuff, as it’s often of variable quality. This, however, is, as you’d expect, just incredible:

And now, here’s the mp3 link:

Prince – Creep (Live at Coachella 2008)

More soon.