Late Night Stargazing

Tonight’s selection has appeared on these pages before, but, when I was puttng together what will probably be next week’s Friday Night Music Club mix, a word in the description of one of the tunes (no spoilers here!) lodged an earworm into me that could only be satisfied by posting this:

The Proclaimers – Sunshine on Leith

I love that song so much. I was sorely tempted to post David Tennant’s cover of it instead.

Nope, me neither. Children in Need charidee thing, apparently.

(Since you ask: it’s alright actually: remarkably faithful to the original, and not as godawful as every song in the jukebox movie of the same title was. In fact, if anything, it ends too soon, which isn’t what I thought I’d be saying when I stumbled upon it online and, teeth gritted, muscles tensed, I pressed play.)

That is all.

Oh. And this: more soon.

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One thought on “Late Night Stargazing”

  1. Not a lover of this tune. But it did offer up the best ever football sing-a-longs of all time, when Hibs lifted the Scottish Cup for the first time in over 100 years.

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