Friday Night Music Club Vol 59

Yeh, you’re right, I am really struggling with those number related gifs now.

I’ll tell you what I didn’t struggle with: this week’s mix, which is an absolute belter, even if I do say so myself. And I do. There, I just said it.

So, what do we have in store for you this week?

Well, we kick off with Primal Scream reminding us why Kate Moss is not renowned for her singing talents (I still really love this Lee Hazlewood/Nancy Sinatra cover, despite that); a remix of another Fatboy Slim, one which featured on a super-long mix I put together to mark the last night that Hel and I shared a flat, and which ended with me passed out asleep on the bathroom floor after quaffing one pint of White Russian too many (sorry!); the long-overdue inclusion of Michael Kiwanuka (is 2019 over already?); a New Order classic; a much-overlooked beauty courtesy of Vince Clarke and one of Orbital’s Hartnoll brothers (Paul, I think), which sounds every bit as great as you might hope it would; a Kula Shaker cover which almost got included a couple of weeks ago, but I thought better of it (I didn’t this week); Sports Team with their one good song; the middle, most over-looked of Suede’s first three singles; then we’re into what I’n childishly referring to as the horn-y section, where we find The Boo Radleys, The Bridwell Taxis, Sharon Jones, and The Cure; then a cracking Irish folk version of a Smith classic, before we head to the end with the help of The Brilliant Corners, The Breeders, Blur and, as the mix is looking a tad ‘B’ heavy, a song that I have on a really pretty great compilation album called Basement Beehive: The Girl Group Underground, which makes things even more B-based, now I come to write this.

Trust me, you’ll like this one. A lot. As much as, say, Brian hated the Romans:

So, let’s crack on shall we?

Friday Night Music Club Vol 59

  1. Primal Scream feat. Kate Moss – Some Velvet Morning
  2. Fatboy Slim – Praise You (Fatboy Slim Vs Fedde Le Grand Remix)
  3. Michael Kiwanuka – You Ain’t The Problem (Claptone Extended Remix)
  4. New Order – Temptation
  5. Clarke:Hartnoll – All Out
  6. Kula Shaker – Hush
  7. Sports Team – Here’s The Thing
  8. Suede – Metal Mickey
  9. The Boo Radleys – Lazarus
  10. The Bridewell Taxis – Honesty
  11. Sharon Jones – I Just Dropped In To See What Condition My Condition Was In
  12. The Cure – Why Can’t I Be You?
  13. Brendan Croker & The Serious Offenders – Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now
  14. The Brilliant Corners – I Didn’t See You
  15. The Breeders – Hellbound
  16. Voices – Fall in Love Again
  17. Blur – For Tomorrow (Single Version)

See you same time, next week?

(More soon).

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4 thoughts on “Friday Night Music Club Vol 59”

  1. The first Kate Moss song that I like. And the first song from the Brilliant Corners that I really like. But my favourite is the song that is almost as old as I am. I fell in love with the Voices.


      1. According to my database, three of the more popular songs are already my favourites: Temptation, Lazarus and Why can’t I be you?

        This results in 6, by far the most well-known number between 5 and 7. In my home country, 6 is also the usual container size in which beer is bought and consumed. What I mean by this is that if you count the beers you drank the night before the next day, you can divide the total by 6 without leaving a remainder.

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